Product Owner: National Bank of Kazakhstan

New Feature(s), Elements, or Design

On the back side of the coin an oxidized image replicating a stone which represents a fragment of a sculpture of the Turkic leader against the background of the runic letter graved on the stele of the well-known Orkhon complex. The edging is executed in the form of framed stone figuratively emphasizing communication between coin and Orkhon complex. The design of the coin visualized the art of the Behistun inscription and clay tablets from the Epic of Gilgamesh. All these literary arts assembled the art communication and spiritual bond and link of times with the references to nomadic people in a one coin.

Significance of the Event Commemorated

  • Kultegin was a political and military figure of the Second Turkic Khaganate, who united a great number of nomadic ethnos under a blue flag and was able to continue traditions of the great nomadic empire.
  • The epitaph of Kultegin represents a monument of Turkic runic of the 8th century. It was found in 1889, on the shore of the Orkhon River (Mongolia). The monument contains valuable historical data which provides rich linguistic material.
  • In 2013 Kazakhstan’s commemorative 1000 tenge banknote was named The Banknote of the Year in the International Banknote Society contest (IBNS). The banknote is dedicated to a historical figure Kultegin, who was a political leader of the Second Turkic Kaganat.
  • In 2016 the National bank of Kazakhstan issued commemorative coin of the same name. Later the coin was presented in a one whole blister pack. Now the National bank of Kazakhstan is intendent to issue both commemorative banknotes and coins under one theme.


Awards | Coin Awards 2017


Best New Commemorative or Test Circulating Coin Issued at Face Value

