Covid-19 Educational Program

Project Owner:  Currency Research

Currency Research’s mission is to inspire and progress industry dialogue and efficiency across cash and payments through our core initiatives of Conferences, Consulting, Communication, and Community. The Covid-19 crisis created the need for Currency Research to step-up and support the industry with clear communication and to create new infrastructure to enable industry stakeholders to share, discuss and debate key issues, while the world ground to a halt, with face to face meetings, business travel, and let alone conferences becoming a thing of the past for more than a year.

As the world watched, learned, and eventually became dramatically affected by Covid-19, Currency Research quickly adapted to support the cash industry by delivering a sequence of informational virtual seminars and bringing together leading industry experts to share accurate information. This program contained a sequence of educational components through reports, webinars and full virtual events.

Due to its extensive industry resources and close relationships with central banks and expert partners, Currency Research managed to deliver essential programming to keep the industry informed, engaged and connected with a sequence of educational components of reports, webinars and full virtual events. CR strongly believes that the breadth and depth as well as “speed to market” of its educational content, as a combination of virtual seminars and reports, has been second to none.

Currency Research stepped-up to support the industry with clear communication and to create new infrastructure to enable industry stakeholders to share, discuss and debate key issues, while the world ground to a halt, with face to face meetings, business travel, and let alone conferences becoming a thing of the past for more than a year. While 2021 is showing great promise to have our industry back to face to face meetings, the programming and infrastructure put in place during the pandemic will continue to be a benefit into the future. The rate at which each country opens, allowing for travel and regular business is still unknown – Currency Research is committed to the continuation of the programming in both an in-person and virtual environment to help ensure all industry stakeholders can be part of the discussion and debates.

Awards | Special Covid Response Award- 2021


Best Currency Initiatives Implemented In Response To Covid-19

