Second Series Communications

Product Owner: European Central Bank

Direct Marketing Operation for the new €20 The “direct marketing operation” consisted of a large-scale mailing targeting 3 million professional cash handlers in 16 languages across 19-euro area countries.

The ECB Partnership Programme for the new €50 The Partnership Programme ensures smooth cooperation through tailor-made information material, hands-on support and a dedicated contact person at the ECB

 The Euro Run Initiative The Euro Run initiative promotes knowledge about the euro and its security features amongst school children by providing a range of educational material for teachers and pupils.

The New €50 Banknote Film The new 50-euro banknote film aims to raise awareness about the new banknote, its security features and how to easily check them. It highlights an overarching message that Europeans are stronger together with the euro.

The new 50 euro banknote film aims to raise awareness about the new banknote, its security features and how to easily check them. It highlights an overarching message that Europeans are stronger together with the euro.

A unique initiative: Combining European messages into banknote communication is a unique way of connecting with the public. The ECB chose this approach because the euro is a tangible and powerful symbol of European integration and Europeans associate with it using it in their daily lives. The natural association captures and maintains the viewer’s attention and means they are then more receptive to learning about the security features, being informed about the issuance date of the new banknote, and creating a positive link to the currency. Communicating audio-visually on both the security features of the new €50 banknote and its role in bringing Europeans together, the film goes beyond simply informing the public – it connects them emotionally.

Effective communication via appropriate deliverables:
Tracker research shows that a viewer’s attention is sustained longer when an audio-visual medium is used, especially in a digital interface. The ECB also chose to use a film because it is attractive to all ages but reaches out specifically to younger audiences, the future of Europe. Using the film format allows us to cross borders geographically and demographically. It also allows us to communicate via screens across the continent and abroad whether they are on a computer, on a television, or in a commercial area – it maximizes our audience and our mediums.

Outreach to key stakeholders: As a European institution, the ECB wants to communicate to all Europeans. The success of this outreach initiative is also measured by how broadly it spreads the message. The viewer is able to watch the film in their own language, meaning they are more receptive to the messages. The film is also shared with the national central banks of the European Union, allowing them to help better target national audiences. Because trackers show that social media use is on the rise throughout Europe, specifically among younger audiences, the ECB chose YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook as principle outlets for the films. Available in all euro area languages, via social media, and for download, the film’s digital audience is unlimited – it targets the public across Europe.

Clear feedback from stakeholders: It is very important for the ECB to track its outreach success when communicating about euro cash and when using films as mediums. Using a baseline survey from 2011, the ECB has conducted subsequent tracker research at the occasion of every unveiling or issuance of a banknote. The trackers show that viewing a film is positively correlated to the ECB’s communication campaign’s goals. The film’s tested format shows a positive effect on both knowledge of banknote security features and reaction to European messages, which are monitored and will continue to be monitored both quantitatively and qualitatively by the ECB – its success is proven and tracked.

Awards | Currency Awards 2017


Best Communications Program


Finalist | Winner