Earth 365 – challenge carbon footprint

Project Owner: Oberthur Fiduciaire

Describe the project

Following the COP 21 in Paris in 2015, Oberthur Fiduciaire, at the level of CEO, Thomas Savare, decided to demonstrate its commitment towards the environment and to reduce its carbon footprint by implementing a sustainable management programme across all areas of banknote production site in Chantepie, France.

As a reminder, Europe’s target is to reduce greenhouse gas by 40% in 2030 compared to 1990.

France’s target is to reduce by 24% from 2015 to 2028 greenhouse gas in the industry sector.

Consequently to target delivering these commitments, Oberthur created the Earth 365 programme based on the following deliverables:
• lower energy consumption,
• reduce water waste
• reuse and improved waste recycling

To measure our new environmental management culture and to gauge the efficiency of our project management we have chosen to adopt ISO Standard ISO 14 001 and ISO 50 001 and ISO 26 000 to benchmark our results and achievements

Date the project was implemented


Sustainability project locations

The project has been implanted into our production site in Chantepie (France – 35) and is currently being rolled out to the two other Group’s production sites (Bulgaria and Holland).

Commitment to sustainability

To reduce our carbon impact we have delivered the following (measurable) achievements
• Stopped landfill since January 2018

• Implemented 62 treatment process and developed some specific processes :
o Stopped all single use plastics (bottle /plastic cup )and replaced by giving each employee a reusable mug
o We now recycle plastic into garden furniture
o We now reuse wood to create furniture
o We now recycle cardboard into brown paper
o We now generate energy from the waste produced by the canteen…
o We have created a local synergy plan in Brittany to recycle and reuse waste into secondary raw material.

• Waste water
o We have created a unique process based on low evaporation techniques to concentrate our sludge and reduce the water therein

o We now reuse the resultant sludges in a local methanization process to produce energy to grow up spirulina,

Conserve or manage energy, water, or other resources

To reduce our energy consumption, we:
• Set up an energy management system certified ISO 50001 in December 2017.
Involving all our employees

• weekly analysis of our consumption by our internal energy management team

• Collaborated with the expert team of the French energy provider EDF
Our main actions :

  • Installation of 74 energy counters and one global centralized surveillance tool
  • Optimization of all preset settings on our installations :regulation of boiler room temperature, fresh air,
  • Substitution of our cooling process by Ammoniac system more power-efficient and less impactful
  • equipment of 80% of our buildings with LED bulbs
  • install heat recovery systems on cooling process and compressed air units to heat buildings
    • Lighting detection systems in locker room and toilets
    • Speed regulation for air treatment
    • Insulation blankets to maintain hot water in the pipes
    • Systematic identification of compressed air leaks
    • Heating / cooling : thermostat setting instructions
    • Lighting : general switch identification, turn off awareness

Environmental consideration(s) generated from implementation

  • 50% of our energy since 2018 comes from hydroelectricity which reduces our carbon footprint
  • 80% of Waste recycling with local suppliers within 40 miles radius reduces our waste footprint by 30%
  • Recycling waste waters through a treatment process allows to save 1200m3/ year
  • Recovery of waste heat for our buildings has allowed us to reduce our annual gas consumption by 50%

The tangible results of the project

From 2016 to 2019, we have reduced by 32 % the global carbon footprint using ISO 14064 as a guide , and we plan to succeed in reducing by about 40% our global carbon footprint before the end of 2025.

Feedback from Stakeholders, Including the General Public

The feedback we have received has been most encouraging. Our customers can see that this is a “top down/ bottom up “ change in our culture involving all our employees
We have now presented our project Earth 365 Management System at various industry conferences since September 2018
In partnership with our customers we jointly deliver a specific action programme to achieve on our joint environmental management objectives.

Our commitment to our Earth 365 project is not only to meet legal requirements but also to exceed them with ambitious social and environmental policies which will help us to meet the COP 21 action plan.

Sustainability Project Image

Awards | Technical Awards 2020


Best New Environmental Sustainability Project

